HospiX IGS – Efficient internet management for hospitals and homes

Minute-based billing of broadband internet by HospiX IGS:
A service with new marketing and profit potential.

Patients as well as residents demand a quick internet access in the rooms.
As for the telephony service, an easy to arrange accounting concept is necessary. Traditional accounting methods via ticket systems are inflexible and represent barriers of usage.

HospiX IGS allows minute-based billing of internet costs with variable pricing models. Another advantage is the easy internet dial-up. Independent of the settings of the guest’s notebooks, HospiX IGS generates a start menu when opening an internet browser. By entering a PIN the access to the word wide web is opened up. To prevent unauthorised internet usage, HospiX Entry with IGS server navigates the authorisation control for the internet access of every guest room.

HospiX IGS is a software application that enables user friendly capture and accounting of IP traffic as well as control of the internet access authorisation.

Overview of the most important performance features:

  • Internet access control
  • Minute-based capture of the internet usage
  • Integrated MSI internet tariff
  • Accounting via daily-flat rate, minutes and data price models are possible
  • Invoice printing incl. all communications costs via HospiX Entry
Download data sheet: HospiX IGS

HospiX IGS is a performance extension for the HospiX basic package.



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